Necromancy for Dummies, Advice for the Beginner Medium

This post is my advice to you beginner mediums out there who are just starting to walk the spiritualist path. This is also for mediums who are bit more experienced and still struggle with some setbacks and self doubt. I am by no means an advanced medium, I have only been developing a little over a year but I have seen people in my development circle come and go, give up just before they get anywhere or didn’t believe or trust in spirit enough. I myself have had these ups and downs too, but I have persevered through the setbacks and the doubt and continued along my path. If I can do it, so can you! Because I can’t do a lot of things, like whistle… It even took me 17 years to learn how to tie my shoes… no joke.

1. Join a development circle

This is the first step to any mediumship journey, though some people are natural mediums meaning they can naturally connect to the spirit world, most people are not. A development circle is the best way to learn how to open to spirit and gives you a safe place to practice and ask questions. Everyone is in the same boat as you and they will help you along your journey. Mediumship is not a solitary path as it is the act of communication. It’s about people coming together either in the physical plane or the spiritual plane connecting with one another and sharing their stories.

Communication also includes community – this is your community. These people will lift you up, some may become lifelong friends. This is a great way to network as a lot of people in your groups will go to other groups and invite you along, before you know it you’ll know everybody who’s anybody in the mediumship world!

With the corona-virus making churches and spiritual centres temporarily closed a lot of groups have started online zoom circles. Have a look around. There are no limits on spirit, they are omnipresent so there is nothing stopping you from giving somebody a message halfway across the world.

2. It’s ok to get things wrong

When beginning your mediumistic path, you will get things wrong. You can feel so sure that you have a spirit drawing close, get up and give your description and everyone will look at you with blank faces. We’ve all been there, it happens a lot at the beginning, our conscious mind has a way of coming in a taking over especially if we doubt ourselves or second guess. I got so many things wrong at the start of my journey and still do, for every week I did a successful communication the week after I’d get everything wrong and walk home with my head down, falling into a pit of despair feeling like I wasn’t good enough or that I was the worst medium and would never be able to do it right. It will be a rollercoaster, you will have ups and downs in your journey. If you didn’t get things wrong how will you get them right the next time? Which brings me to my second point.

3. Get back up there and work!

In my development class we had a few people who never got up to work, I was always an eager beaver to get up and work even if I fell flat on my face because I wanted to be a medium so badly, that’s why I was there developing. So when I saw the people, sitting there who said no each week at having a go I thought what was the point? Your development circle is where you are meant to mess up, you’re not working with the public, you have nothing to lose or nobody to upset, there are no expectations.

Your circle is there to push you forward, to support you, I have met so many beautiful souls in my circle who I hope will be in my life for a long time. They encourage me, guide me, celebrate me. Allow yourself to be lifted up by them. The development class is your chance to have a go, if you never get up and work you will never grow. Feel the fear and the nerves and battle through it. You’re only going to get better when you try.

4. Trust in spirit

Arthur Conan Doyle pictured above.

The spirit world wants you to be the best medium you can be. They will support you every step of the way, at the end of the day you’re their only line of direct communication to their loved ones so they will invest in you as much as possible. Not only that, your loved ones in spirit are always cheering you on and helping you along the way.

A lot of people say that they don’t have a spirit link to work with when they get up but when our teacher “links in” to their energy field they always do. They just don’t trust themselves enough. Just say what you get, see or feel, you’re getting it for a reason. Doubt kills the communication; it clouds your mind and stops your ability to access the information. As my mentor always says “You don’t get owt for nowt.”. Trust that they will always be there, ready to work with you.

5. Your only as good as your last best message

I’ve heard a lot in our spiritualist community the saying that your “only as good as your last message.” And It’s never sat well with me. Sometimes we have bad days sometimes we have trouble letting go of worries or fears and stressful situations that are going on in our earthly life, when the conscious mind gets involved we can start to lose our focus and sometimes our messages can become a little bit blocky or messy.

I’ve had this happen on my first platform demonstration and it went terrible. I was so nervous with all the eyes in front of me that I was overthinking everything. I got off the platform and was in the aforementioned pit of despair at my lack of ability. But I quickly pulled myself out of it because I had given amazing messages before, with great evidence and accuracy. You will have bad days but don’t judge yourself on a few bad communications. Always remember your last best message! You have the potential and ability to give those amazing messages again, never forget that.

6. The dreaded NO is actually the best teacher

No, no, no. That word sends shudders up my spine and gives me a rock in my stomach, you see it all time, a medium going strong with a message, loads of accurate information, the client nodding (sometimes crying) and getting yes after yes and then NO. The look of a deer in headlights. NO, can be the breaking point of a reading in beginners as it introduces doubt into the mind of the medium and as I have said previously, doubt can affect the communication. But a no is actually your best teacher.

The information from spirit is always accurate. It’s our interpretation that isn’t. if the client says no, go back to the spirit world and ask why are you getting a no. They may give you more evidence to add to your message or repackage it in a way that makes more sense to the client. Embrace the No’s! No’s stop you from getting comfortable in your mediumship, they take you out your comfort zone and get you to work harder. They give you a chance to ensure your information is accurate and can be taken by the client.

This journey is one of true magic, where loved ones who are not here are just a thought away. You are embarking on a path of service to humanity and the spirit world, be honoured and stay humble.

Interested in a mediumship reading from me? Head over to my mediumship page to book your a session today.

Published by

Tarot By Sean

Tarot Reader, Medium and Spiritual Healer.

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