Burnout on the Spiritualist Path, When is it Time to Walk Away?

I’ve been developing my mediumship abilities for about 2 years, going to my development circle once a week and doing a few readings for people I know. I couldn’t get enough of it, its all I talked about, it’s all I thought about, its all I wanted to do! But after a while I started to feel a little overwhelmed by working with spirit.

Me btw. Lockdown made me give up shaving.

I’d had a strange experience seeing a well renowned platform medium David Holt, he’s an author and professional medium who does a few nights at our church every year and it’s always packed with people. He sells out fast! I invited 2 regulars from my pub, Trish and Wendy, they came in every Tuesday for a meal, a gab and to do their crossword, they got everyone involved in completing it and you could hear Trish laughing all around the pub.  We loved all the spiritual, spooky and woo stuff, and I’m known to spend hours talking to them instead of actually working on the bar to the joy of my co-workers (oops!). They go to see mediums regularly and I thought it would be nice for us all to see David together.

I sat there while David was giving his messages and I felt rather unimpressed, fidgety and waiting for it to be over, I was confused by everyone around me going “Ooh.” and “Ahh.” at the demonstration. Wendy leaned over and said “He’s very good isn’t he?” and I sat there feeling like am I seeing the same thing? Now David is very good, great actually, my mentor calls him “Mr Shit Hot.” because he is In fact shit hot, I even have his book Are You Ready to Believe? which he signed for me.

Davids Instagram which is dedicated to body building!

But I felt that Its nothing I haven’t seen before, it’s nothing new to me and I could do that too, in fact I did it every week along with everyone from my group at our development circle. As I watched the crowd look in awe and amazement I couldn’t help but feel that I was amongst the muggles.

What had been happening was the buzz, the magic and mystery had been wearing off, what was so fantastical and amazing was becoming normal to me, being a medium around muggles (and I don’t mean that disrespectfully, I just mean as in people who do not know much about spirit or are seeing spirit communication for the first time.) It can be a little jarring to remember that majority of people who come to your church have never experienced this phenomena and are still amazed and to you it’s just a daily occurrence.

I think after developing for a while and watching and working mediumship day after day, week in, week out consistently for 2 years, as with anything, gets to become mundane, tiring and dare I say boring. It’s like a new favourite song that you play on repeat over and over again then suddenly you can’t bare it at all and would rather stab yourself in the eardrum with a quartz crystal point than listen to it again.

It can all get too much sometimes, I found I didn’t want to go to church anymore, I didn’t even want to give messages. I was tired of working with spirit, I just wanted to give it up and be a muggle once again. I was sick of receiving messages as I was getting so many that I hadn’t had a chance to implement and make the changes that I was advised to make or just forgotten what I’d been told.

Sometimes you need to walk away to come back stronger, I took a break this year after lockdown because it was becoming overwhelming, tiring and stale but walking away was also heart-breaking, for me this was all I ever wanted, I felt it was my calling to do this work and be a voice for spirit felt like my destiny. When you have almost set your whole direction in life on this one thing for it to become so monotonous and exhausting it can be soul destroying.

This is where I was and still am to some extent.

David’s book Are You Ready to Believe?. I was mad that my friend Josie got more x’s than me

I was punishing myself over feeling this way. I thought that I was betraying the spirit world by taking a break so I forced myself to show up all the time for spirit because if I didn’t then it would mean I didn’t have faith in them or they wouldn’t want to work with me and there is always this fear that if I stop working with my mediumship I’ll lose it. However, you never really lose it, you may be a little rusty when you come back but you’ll soon be back up and running.

Burnout is real and needs to be honoured. Its OK to take time out and pursue other things, its ok to be a muggle again and live a normal life, that’s actually why we incarnated here in the first place.

Mediumship is beautiful and affirms that there is life after death yet while we are here we need to live a physical life, in which we need rest and recuperation, to look after our own health and well being and ultimately to live. You can’t spend your life focusing on the dead so be sure to set boundaries in your practice of mediumship otherwise it will take away what makes it so special.

If you’ve felt this way too or feel you need a break, honour that feeling, it’s your soul saying you need to refresh and revitalise your spirit. Don’t ever feel guilty for needing time out. Spirit would want you to be healthy and happy when working for them instead of being fatigued and worn out.

This feeling for me became so overwhelming that after starting my blog, website and Instagram I had to almost instantly stop all I was doing which is why I haven’t posted anything in a while. I went in all guns blazing instead of taking it slow and steady and in 2021 I will be just doing what my intuition tells me, as and when i feel like it and not an a schedule. I’ll only write what my heart tells me to write.

I hope you had a very happy christmas and lets pray that 2021 is better than what has been the strangest year of our lives.

Find David at https://www.spiritsurvival.com or on his Instagram!

Much Love, Sean.

Published by

Tarot By Sean

Tarot Reader, Medium and Spiritual Healer.

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